Tobikomi Keiko

What Is Tobikomi Keiko?

The main purposes of Tobikomi Keiko are to learn and widen your repertoire of skills and/or to deepen your thought process by visiting and practicing at Dojos whose teaching styles are different from yours. The literal translation of “Tobikomi Keiko” is “Dive-in Practice”. It’s a traditional Japanese way to practice.

Ground Rules:

Participating Aikidoists will not need to tell us who they are currently affiliated with, and Nippon Kan will not ask anyone such a question. In general, any Aikidoist at the level of the 3rd Kyu and above can participate.

Class Fees:

One Keiko session (75 minute-long per session): USD 15.00

One Keiko session and one night of stay at the Dojo (with supper and breakfast): USD 25.00

How to Apply:

Please email to the following email address to the attention of Matt, at least one day prior to the day of your arrival at the Dojo.

[email protected]
Attention: Matt