May 21st, 2014
AHAN built the Madrasa orphanage and school for girls and has supported this school with rice, educational and medical supplies since 2007. This year the Madrasa elders are planning to build a school for boys adjacent to the girl’s facility. This facility will accommodate from 300 to 700 boys in need.
The scope for this new facility is extensive and is now under consideration by AHAN as a future project. We hope that the project will be approved for support.
Reported by
AHAN Bangladesh Coordinator
Maji Sarkar
Notes from AHAN Nippon Kan General Headquarters:
Young Muslim girls begin their studies at the Madrasa Orphanage and School for Girls at about age 7. This is a very valuable service for the approximately 300 girls housed at this facility. Homma Kancho is planning a trip in June to assess the situation for expansion of the adjacent facility for boys.