Dec 30th, 2007 Nippon Kan’s Domo Japanese Country Foods Restaurant features AHAN Teas brought directly to Denver by Homma Kancho on his many travels teaching Aikido. This year’s AHAN fundraising sales report were published publicly in Denver’s Westword Newspaper for the month of December. In 2007, 5763 cups of tea and 92 packages of dried tea were sold, raising a …
Nippon Kan Youth Program Report
December 15, 2007 Nippon Kan’s Youth Program has a total of about 70 young people practicing in our general youth class, advanced youth class and bokken and jo class every week. The Nippon Kan Youth Program does not require students to take examinations for promotion. Promotions held bi-annually are based on class attendance, instructor evaluation and participation in Nippon Kan …
Nippon Kan General Headquarters Uchideshi (Live-in Student) Report
For Nippon Kan Headquarter Uchideshi (live-in students), every day begins with asa geiko (morning practice). Homma Kancho teaches this class for Nippon Kan live-in students each morning. Before these uchideshi students retire to bed each evening they will have practiced at least 6 hours that day. Currently there are 6 uchideshi students practicing at Nippon Kan Headquarters in Denver. John …
Nippon Kan General Headquarter End of Year and New Year Report
With the New Year in 2007, Nippon Kan operations went through a restructuring and reorganizing process to streamline headquarters operations. Nippon Kan and AHAN have been very active in international and domestic project development and operations have expanded greatly in the past few years. A remedy for organizing this growth was to simplify, refocus and restructure resources here at headquarters. …
Sharing not Struggling
Written by Sung Ju-hwan December 2007 Hi, my name is Ju-hwan Sung, a 3rd dan uchideshi of Ik-am Yoon sensei, Korea Aikido Federation. I’ve worked in UNPOL(UN Police) in Timor-Leste under UNMIT(United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste) for last 1 year as a close protection officer and a firearms instructor, now I’m back in Korea on end-of-mission. Here I write …
Gaku Homma Nippon Kan Kancho Visits East Timor
Nov 17-22, 2007 North of Australia and east of Indonesia lies the worlds newest independent nation of East Timor. Last November I had the opportunity to visit the capitol city of the island country of East Timor for five days. I came at the invitation of Sung Ju-hwan Sensei to teach Aikido to Aikidoka practicing there and at the UNPOL …
Nippon Kan Instructors Attend Florida Seminar
November 3rd-4th 2007 Two instructors were sent by Nippon Kan and AHAN headquarters to attend the US seminar instructed by Shin Shin Aiki Shurenkai Kaicho, Hitohiro Saito last November 3rd and 4th, 2007. Representing Nippon Kan General Headquarters in Homma Kancho’s absence was Nippon Kan General Headquarters Instructor Michael Barrera and AHAN Nippon Kan Central America Coordinator Fernando Roman Sensei, …
Nippon Kan 17th Annual Fall Volunteer Project: Put the Beds to Bed
October 20th, 2007 There is power in longevity. What does that mean? For the past seventeen years, at the same location, at the same time of year, with the same staff coordinators, Nippon Kan has been performing the same task; “Putting the Beds to Bed” (turning the flower beds for winter) at Civic Center Park. This year too about 100 …
Introducing Nippon Kan’s Newest Uchideshi
October 20th, 2007 Daily practice; Genbei teaching little Santa. Allow me to introduce Nippon Kan’s newest uchideshi. His name is Santa. Nippon Kan has had three generations of dojo dogs, beginning with Ponk (1989-1996), Genbei (2000- ) and now our newest addition is little Santa. “Santa” is the Japanese word for third (as in generation), and Santa as our third …
Nippon Kan Kancho Gaku Homma Teaches AHAN Seminar in Ireland
Oct 18-23, 2007 Homma Kancho taught at an AHAN Fundraising seminar in Dublin, Ireland in mid-October, sponsored by Aikikai Ireland AOI (Simone Chierchini Sensei to raise funds for a student operated second hand community store in Sligo where Simone Chierchini Sensei is based. The purpose of the second hand store is to support the community with low cost goods …
Mongolia Aikido Nippon Kan Seminar
October 9th-14th, 2007 After the AHAN seminar in Korea had drawn to a successful close, Homma Kancho, Stephanie Yap Sensei and the Nippon Kan AHAN entourage flew from Seoul to Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia. The purpose of this visit to Mongolia was to attend a Nippon Kan General Headquarters-sponsored Mongolia Aikido Seminar and to work on a variety …
First Woman International Aikido Seminar in Korea
Oct 5th-9th 2007 This 2007 AHAN Nippon Kan IISA (Instructors in Support of AHAN) Training Tour was organized by Nippon Kan General Headquarters and the Korean Aikido Federation (Ik-Am Yoon Sensei, President ) This historic seminar was instructed by Stephanie Yap Sensei, Chief Instructor of Aikido of South Florida ( ). This was the first time in Korea that …
AHAN Heart Realized in Life in Bangladesh
Oct 1-3, 2007 Nippon Kan Kancho Gaku Homma visited Bangladesh for the second time this year in response to emergency conditions there. Massive flooding occurred over the summer in Bangladesh and on August 26th, 2007, Nippon Kan instructors and students held a marathon fundraising seminar to raise funds for flood relief. To ensure that the funds raised were used the …
Letter from Graduate of Nippon Kan Beginning Aikido Class
September 29th, 2007 Written by Jeff McMullen We received this letter from a graduate beginning class student about his experiences in our Nippon Kan Beginning Aikido program. Hello, I just wanted to comment on my recent experiences with the beginner course at Nippon Kan. When I was younger I spent quite some time involved with various martial arts. After a …
Nepal Aikido Nippon Kan Seminar
Sept 27-30th, 2007 “Aikido is a completely different martial art both philosophically and technically that most anyone can practice.” Aikido is gaining popularity in Nepal, and Aikido Nippon Kan Nepal is growing. In November 2004, current Aikido Nippon Kan General Headquarters official instructor to Nepal, Rajesh Bista invited Homma Kancho by mail to visit to Nepal to introduce the martial …