August 5th-September 3rd, 2013
AHAN Nippon Kan General Headquarter has been providing over 5 tons of rice per month to orphanages and learning centers for children in Bangladesh, Thailand and Myanmar for the past 8 years. To date, over 160 tons of rice have been provided in support of these AHAN projects.
Part of the foundation of AHAN Nippon Kan philosophy is that support for others must be self generating through effort; “motion and sweat”. AHAN does not ask for outside support or money of any kind. Homma Kancho has created an environment at AHAN Nippon Kan Headquarters that generates employment and activities that produce the support needed for outside projects.
Nippon Kan Headquarters houses Homma Kancho’s Domo Restaurant that serves the community with a traditional experience of Japanese country foods and a place of employment for a busy staff. Proceeds from Domo Restaurant are used to support AHAN projects around the world.
AHAN Nippon Kan holds fundraising seminars and events where students have the opportunity to practice for their own development and also for the benefit of others. The AHAN Summer Marathon is one such annual event. Nippon Kan students and uchideshi from all over the world come to Nippon Kan Headquarters for 30 days of continuous practice led by Homma Kancho.
This year’s marathon logged over 814 student practice hours, and raised a total of $6800.00 USD.
For the reasonable requested minimum donation of $50 for 30 days of practice, all students were able to join in this marathon, strengthening their own practice and raising enough funds to provide rice and other supplies for all AHAN orphanages and learning centers for the rest of the year.
Reported by
Victor Bui
AHAN Nippon Kan Board of Directors Secretary
Senior Advisor