Feb 16, 2010
Prevalent in many Philippine islands, but especially on the island of Mindanao, there has been an influx of Bajao refugees from the Indonesian islands. These refugees have fled their native islands to escape everything from political prosecution, different levels of economic crisis or rampant disease. These people, who have their own language and customs, have found themselves stranded in colony clusters along the beaches and coastline areas of Mindanao. Here they are outcasts from local societies and find everyday life to be a struggle just to survive. They do not receive any educational, medical, food or other support services from the Philippine government and remain totally isolated from other social groups on the island.
Every month, Mindanao AHAN goes to visit the Bajao refugees to provide a meal service of about 300 meals. Homma Sensei was in Illigan for one of these meal services which can be seen in the video link below
Photo Documentary
My assistant Saidamen lives in Malawi City and is a leader for the young Islamic people in that community. In Malawi, unemployment for young people is near 100 percent and Saidamen is busy making plans to generate work in his hometown. Saidamen is planning to open the first internet cafe in Malawi as a way to introduce new ideas and information to the village young people. Homma Sensei approved of this idea and commented, “These young people need to see what is going on in the world beyond this village. Being introduced to new ideas will bring new motivation to this generation”. Nippon Kan General Headquarters is planning to send at least 5 computers to Mindanao this year to help jumpstart the new internet café project.
Homma Sensei discussed other ideas for providing jobs and income in the Malawi area with Saidamen and his associates at a leaders meeting in Malawi. Water is an abundant resource in the region and plans were discussed for developing future Tilapia farming sites with nearby lakes and streams.
Written by
Ava Yancha
Mindanao AHAN Coordinator