Homma Kancho travels all over the world but when he is in Denver he spends time counseling Nippon Kan Headquarter senior instructors and staff. “I won’t be around forever,” he warns good naturedly. “The time I have spent traveling the last few years is actually good training for the Nippon Kan staff. If something were to happen to me without in warning, it could be very traumatic if new systems had not already been put into place. All of my traveling is good in more ways than one! It gives our senior staff and students a “dress rehearsal” for running operations on your own.
I know this sounds serious but look at what has happened to other dojos who have suddenly lost their leadership without notice. Many dojos do not survive this sudden transition, especially if the chief instructor took care of all of the operations and instruction themselves. In this kind of situation, students do not have any experience in leadership which can result in the breaking apart of the organization. “IF a father is too nice and does everything for his children, the children may not grow up to be competent adults. Maybe that is why I am not such a “nice father” some of the time…”
Listening to Homma Kancho speak made all of feel like he was getting ready to pass away! Actually this is far from the truth. Homma Kancho still jogs one hour every morning, does all of the dojo garden and building maintenance and has just finished a personal five month fitness challenge which resulted in a loss of 30 lbs!
What is the secret to his good health? Homma Kancho says that his recipe for health is a simple one; work hard and practice hard every day. This, he says, is the secret of success.
Written by
Nippon Kan President Doug Kelly