July 4th-9th, 2007
Homma Kancho visited the Islamic Republic of Iran this past July to meet with local Aikido leaders and discuss current and future AHAN project development in the region. In the capitol city of Tehran, Homma Kancho met with Ahmad Ali Aghsaghloo Sensei (Ali Sensei), Chief Instructor of Iran Aikido (Ali dojo) at his headquarter dojo in Tehran (www.iranaikido.com). There he instructed class for Ali Sensei’s attending students. Homma Kancho was also asked to teach at another dojo in Tehran located in the former American Embassy and in the city of Rasht near the Caspian Sea. In total, about 500 students practiced with Homma Kancho on this very special visit to Iran.
Please link here to Homma Kancho’s reflective article about his experiences in Iran, “The Teapot I Found in Iran”.and photo album.
Written by
Farshad Saljoughi