First Beginner’s Classes of 2015


Jan 6th, 2015

The first beginning Aikido class of 2015

The first beginning Aikido class of 2015

All of Aikido Nippon Kan Beginner’s Classes start for the year in January. Since Nippon Kan began recording Beginner’s Class attendance, over 25,000 students have attended these courses.  There are three Beginners Class sessions to choose from, each six week course beginning in consecutive weeks. For the three January classes, 53 beginning students enrolled this year.

Starting this year, Aikido Nippon Kan is offering its 6 week, 12 beginning class curriculum for 50% off at $27.00.

Homma Kancho elaborated on his decision, “Now that the mortgage for the land and our building has been paid, our overhead expenses are lower and our dojo is stable.  It is time to share with more students what we have to share in our Aikido beginning series by offering this opportunity. The fact that we can give this opportunity to more beginning students is a reflection of the stability of dojo operations and our philosophy of sharing”.

You can read more about Homma Kancho’s philosophy on this subject by linking here to his new article “This Old Man Doesn’t Need it any More”

Report by
Doug Kelly
Nippon Kan President