June 5th, 2010
Nippon Kan students gathered in the early morning hours at Bear Creek Park in south Denver on June 5th, 2010. About 70 students, family and friends set about spreading crusher fine on paths, clearing river trails and painting railings along the Bear Creek bike path and park. This project was organized in conjunction with the Denver Parks and Recreation Department as part of National Trails Day.
The volunteer student leader this year was Madalyn Shalkey who did a great job keeping all of the student teams coordinated and supplied while they worked on the miles of trail throughout the park.
Homma Kancho commented, “Often, martial artists center their training and their practice only on themselves. I think that true practice, and true training of the self happens when you take your training out into the world, out into the community; out into reality. Use your body and your mind and your heart in your practice”.
It was a good day at Bear Creek Park, and as usual, the Nippon Kan “Army” got the job done (and more) in record time!
Written by
Madalyn Shalkey
Spring Volunteer Project Leader