Bilay House, an orphanage & a youth support facility for children and youngsters of the Karen people in Myanmar, has been supported by AHAN Nippon Kan, and currently the 3rd phase of construction of additional building, funded by AHAN Nippon Kan, is happening, and it’s going well.
AHAN Nippon Kan funded the constructions of a school/dormitory and of a learning center for children to learn traditional crafts & a residential building for Pastor Bilay as the 1st and the 2nd phase, respectively, and the 3rd phase of construction is building a new church to accommodate and prepare for the ever increasing number of members of the church, and the building of a new church is to be completed by the end of this year.
Many Thanks! To everyone at Aikido Nippon Kan and customers at DOMO Restaurant for your direct and indirect support and contributions for the continuing support of the operations of Bilay House led by Pastor Bilay.
~~~ A Note from Nippon Kan ~~~
- Bilay House was built and donated in 2011 by “AHAN”, a humanitarian support organization Gaku Homma Sensei & the Kancho of Aikido Nippon Kan had founded, to support Pastor Bilay, who is of the Karen People, and his benevolent initiatives, and AHAN has been supporting Bilay House and its operations even since. DOMO Japanese Restaurant, of which Homma Kancho himself is the owner/chef, has been donating its proceeds from the “Dine at DOMO and Feed the World” campaign in support of a wide range of humanitarian activities that AHAN conducts. AHAN has helped build and donated two churches in the same region as where Bilay House is.