September-December 2010
Without the support of all of the students and friends who have volunteered their time, we could not have continued our service to the homeless for these past 20 years. 2010 marked our 20 year anniversary of our Homeless Meal Service Project with the Denver Rescue Mission in Denver and in these past two decades, over 400 volunteers have been part of this project. This year we passed the milestone of supplying, preparing and serving over 60,000 meals, a milestone that has been recognized by the Mayor and Governor of Colorado, Denver City Council, and local news media. We are especially appreciative of the support of Consul General Kazuo Kubo and Consul Mitsui of the Japanese Consulate of Denver. Thanks to everyone for your support!
Written by
Gaku Homma
Nippon Kan Kancho
AHAN Nippon Kan Homeless Food Service Project Report
September 19th –300 meals served
October 17th – 325 meals served
November 21st – 295 meals served
December 19th – 285 meals served
Total since January, 1991 61, 834 meals served