Reporting from Turkey is Cihan Karaogluol who currently lives in Izmir with his wife Melda and family. Cihan is a Nippon Kan graduate, alumni uchideshi and has served as assistant and otomo to Homma Kancho on seminar trips all over the world. Below is a report written by Cihan about current AHAN activities he and his wife have inspired in their hometown of Izmir.
In Izmir, we recently organized a project to help children in need by providing shoes for them. We first chose a school and then inquired on how many children were in need of good, new shoes. It was difficult to decide who we would be able to help; it seemed all of the children were in need of shoes. We settled on bringing new shoes for 60 children. I know there were more that were needed and I hope that in the future we will be able to help provide even more.
Organizing this project in Izmir meant a lot to us, and I learned many things. I remember Homma Sensei saying that “truly helping people is not easy”. This is true I discovered with this project. I also saw that there were many people that did not try to make things better themselves for the children; they just waited for help. Truly helping people as Homma Sensei teaches is in giving support, not giving hand outs, and this is an important lesson for me. Thank you for teaching the importance of support over help.
Written by
Cihan Karaogluol