July 5-8, 2007
Calgary Aikiki hosted this four-day seminar in the Canadian Rockies instructed by Yasuo Kobayashi Shihan. (www.kobayashi-dojo.com) In attendance as Homma Kancho’s representative was Nippon Kan Instructor Scott Olson.
Homma Kancho first met Kobayashi Shihan over 40 years ago when Yasuo Kobayashi Shihan was an instructor at Hombu Dojo in Tokyo, Japan. They met again at Aikido Journal’s Aiki Expo 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Homma Kancho travels extensively throughout the world, and has met many students and instructors who practice under Kobayashi Shihan, who has a vast network of affiliated dojos that is well known around the world.
Homma Kancho was unable to attend this seminar in Canada due to prior commitments in Turkey and Iran and sent Instructor Olson to represent him. Please link here to Scott’s report on his adventures in the Canadian Rockies!
Written by Nippon Kan Editing Staff