Homma Kancho implemented a new direction for Nippon Kan beginning with Nippon Kan’s end-of- year activities in December. Homma Kancho spoke on the matter. “It is now time in the history of our dojo to simplify and streamline operations at Nippon Kan. When the dojo was young, Nippon Kan was run more like a small family business and the focus at that time was how to make things grow. Nippon Kan has grown immensely over the years, and now there are many programs and projects that Nippon Kan is involved with in countries all over the world. We began our dojo operations with a small group of volunteers, and that number of volunteers has grown over the years as well. This coming year I want to simplify operations and concentrate more on the essence of Nippon Kan practice and AHAN philosophy as it applies to our training. I want to take a more streamline professional approach that also allows students to dedicate more of their time to their training than daily office duties. I want to reflect AHAN values more in the way we celebrate New Years too.”
This new direction began by celebrating the end of the year 2006 and the New Year in a much simpler fashion. It has been tradition for almost three decades to celebrate the New Year with a huge party which in some years has been attended by up to 300 people. For 2007, the New Year’s party was not held at all. Instead the $3000.00 allocated to this event will be redirected to supply the 500 orphans now living at the Dharmarajika Orphanage in Bangladesh with rice, medical and educational supplies for much of the year to come.
Keiko Hajime, the first practice of the year was held on January 4th as is tradition, and Nippon Kan members celebrated the New Year’s practice with a dinner that followed the opening ceremonies led by Homma Kancho.
This new direction in no way signifies that Nippon Kan is shrinking in size or scope of operations. In fact it is the opposite. With the current scope of Nippon Kan’s expanded operations and new upcoming activities, our manpower and resources need to be refocused and redirected.
“There are many ways to celebrate the New Year. In keeping with the philosophy of AHAN in this year to come, our dojo operations and celebrations will serve more to benefit others, and in turn ourselves in ways that ultimately more meaningful than “making merry.” said Homma Kancho.