November 22, 2008
The son of the late Morihiro Saito Shihan (Aikikai 9th Dan), Hitohiro Saito Sensei, Founder of Dento Iwama Ryu, Shin Shin Aiki Shuren Kai held his 5th anniversary demonstration at the Tomobe Community Center Grand Hall. The celebration that followed was held at the Tenrenkan Dojo of Iwama. Demonstration were performed by Dento Iwama Ryu instructors and students from all over Japan and around the world. There were also friendship demonstrations of Toyama Ryu Battojutsu (Toyama style quick-draw-and-cut sword techniques) and Katori Shinto Ryu (Katori Shinto Style sword fighting techniques).
The last demonstration was performed by Hitohiro Saito Sensei and his techniques reflected his Saito heritage and lineage; Hitohiro Saito Sensei is indeed his father’s son.
Hitohiro Saito Sensei spoke before his demonstration, “Techniques are created and passed down by human hands; they belong to people, not to any particular place or dojo.” Saito Sensei went on to talk about his chosen path as an instructor independent from the large Aikikai organization and his commitment to promoting tradition in his teaching of the Iwama style Aikido of his father. “This,” he said, “is my purpose. I take with me on my path, Iwama Aikido.”
In attendance were Kyoichi Inoue Sensei, (Metropolitan Aikido Shihan, former Yoshinkan Kancho) and Yasuo Kobayashi Sensei (Aikido Kobayashi dojo both of which were very close Morihiro Saito Shihan and had many stories and memories to share.
Written by
Gaku Homma
Nippon Kan Kancho