Nov 2, 2009
The first performance for the drummers was held at the infamous Emirates Palace Hotel on a special stage built entirely for the Festival of Thinkers Gala Dinner show. No expense was spared for this three-hour concert where world-famous performers entertained the 1000 guests who had assembled for this gala event. This event was attended not only by thirteen Nobel Prize winners but kings from two Scandinavian countries, ambassadors and diplomats from all over the word. The mega-stage included many story high screens that surrounded the stage and of course a full-scale fireworks display. The Kyougaku Taiko Drummers performed as the opening and closing acts for this concert and brought the audience to their feet with a roar of applause as they closed this elaborate world-class concert event with a grand finale. The drummers in return, were given an almost overwhelming introduction into the elite world of Abu Dhabi.
Before theshow – drummers strike a pose!