April 19th, 2008
The 28th International Sabaki Challenge Karate Tournament took place April 19th, 2008. The Sabaki Challenge is an international Enshin Full Contact Karate competition organized by Enshin Karate Do Founder and Homma Kancho’s long time friend, Joko Ninomiya Kancho.www.enshin.com. Competitors from all over the globe participate in this tournament, and Ninomiya Kancho gave special recognition to Homma Kancho at the Sabaki Challenge this year, introducing him to the attending crowds as an honored guest. Koichi Ninomiya, (Joko Ninomiya Shihan’s second son), who has worked at Nippon Kan’s Domo Restaurant for the past 7 years, won this year’s middleweight division. He was also awarded Westword Magazines Best Colorado Solo MC Rapper. Ichiban (Koichi’s stage name) is now in the spotlight and his 1st CD Psycle Analysis has just been released. Congratulations Koichi!
Since Enshin Karate is headquartered in Denver, the Sabaki Challenge brings Enshin graduate uchideshi “home” for the busy days of the tournament. It has become a tradition for the Japanese graduate uchideshi coaches and fighters to stay at Nippon Kan during this visit.
Most of the Japanese coaches that return from Japan for this tournament were Enshin uchideshi students in their younger days. Homma Kancho spent time with these uchideshi at the Enshin dojo, offering advice, council and of course a few bottles of beer! Homma Kancho explains that someone had to teach them how to drink! Every year Homma Kancho waits for his “kids” to come home; at least for the week of Enshin’s Sabaki Challenge.