April 1st, 2008
Currently AHAN Mexico and AHAN Central America Coordinators Fernando Roman Sensei and Rocio Aguero Sensei of Mexico Aikido Takemusu Aiki (www.aikidomexico.com.mx) have been outstanding in their efforts to promote the practice of Aikido and AHAN throughout Mexico and Central America. At Fernando Sensei and Rocio Sensei’s recommendation, the Escuela Aikido Cuautla Dojo in Cuautla Morelos, Mexico has been accepted officially as part of AHAN IISA (Instructors in Support of AHAN) International. In the last few years, Cuautla Dojo has hosted IISA Instructor tours in conjunction with Homma Kancho and Nippon Kan headquarters for guest instructors Ali Uludag Sensei of Turkey and Ikam Yoon Sensei and his wife Miae Sensei from Seoul Korea. Alberto Manzano Castellanos Sensei and his wife Rebekka Manzano Haerdi Sensei have both been active leaders in their local community and their dojo is a place for community health and well being. AHAN Nippon Kan Mexico Cuautla Dojo IISA was officially recognized on April 1st, 2008.