After he finished writing his new article “From the Homeless Shelter”, Homma Kancho sighed and said “Aikido is truly nothing, (nani mo nai or no-thing) ”…
Homma Kanchos travels all over the world, especially to under-developed and dangerous areas. No matter where, if he is asked to come to practice Aikido, he goes.
I have noticed that the more he travels, the less he seems to focus on structured Aikido practice in our world. As a young man, Homma Kancho practiced very hard, but as he travels through more and more years of training and experience, his focus seems to have graduated to a different level. Sometimes these days when he travels he does not even take his keiko gi, and even when he is in uniform and teaching, he seems to be always thinking; working on understanding the true reality of Aikido and life. “To practice true Aikido”, I have heard him say, “one does not need to wear a keiko gi or hold a bokken. Defining Aikido by uniformed practice or the use of weapons is not where the true answers lie.”
In 2009, Homma Kancho traveled over 6 months of the year, and in 2010, his projected travel schedule is so busy it is difficult to organize. All of our Nippon Kan staff here at Nippon Kan Headquarters in Denver and all of our friends abroad wish Homma Kancho continued good health and success in his pursuits of understanding in the coming year. (Sketch Diary) (Uchideshi program)