AHAN Nippon Kan offers sympathy and condolences for all the people of Thailand for the passing of King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
Homma Kancho paid a visit to AHAN Bilay House Orphanage in Ta Ko Lang, Thailand, to check in on Pastor Bilay and the children of Bilay House. The purpose of the visit was to see what current needs the orphanage might have and see how the current cassava (tapioca plant) crop was coming along. The second cassava harvest of Bilay House is scheduled for June of next year.
Homma Kancho and Pastor Bilay discussed the building of a new AHAN Bilay House orphanage for boys on lands adjacent to the Bilay House Orphanage and Heritage Center built by Homma Kancho and AHAN.
A tradition for Homma Kancho’s visits to Bilay House is a Japanese curry dinner. Homma Kancho and all the kids pitched in to make a huge pot of curry. Everyone at Bilay Hose enjoyed the feast!
Homma Kancho checked the school supplies sent to the kids for school and also brought a special gift for Pastor Bilay; a wheelchair for Pastor Bilay to use on trips to town.
More information on AHAN Bilay House Orphanage Projects is available on the Nippon Kan website and on You Tube at NipponKanDenver or Bilay House Play list.