March 8-10, 2007
Written by
Paritos Kar Sensei
Homma Kancho came to our dojo, New Delhi Aikido in New Delhi, to teach a three day seminar this past March. This was Homma Kancho’s second visit with us in New Delhi and everyone was very happy to see him again. My dojo is in a nice part of the city, but we still have a small number of students. One unique aspect of our dojo is that we have many foreign students practicing here which makes for a very colorful international exchange of ideas and technique with world level communication between the foreign and native attending students.
Before visiting us in New Delhi, Homma Kancho had visited Mongolia, the Philippines, Nepal and Bangladesh so were expected him to be fairly tired! We were surprised to find that Homma Kancho was not tired in the least and was quite powerful while he was teaching for the three days here. My student and assistant, Yulia Pal attended to Homma Kancho’s arrangements and did a very nice job of making sure that he was comfortable for this last leg of his tour through Asia.
For more information, please click on articles about Homma Kancho’s visit to India, 2006