May 14th, 2006
Written by AHAN Computer Redistribution Coordinator Erik Moore.
AHAN’s Used Computer Redistribution Program sends refurbished computers to countries such as Mongolia, Mexico, Brazil and Nepal to name a few. In Mongolia, over 100 computers have been distributed to schools, monasteries and other humanitarian service organizations. Students, family members, individuals in the Denver community and sometimes businesses and organizations generously donate used computers for use in this international redistribution program.
On May 14th, Nippon Kan Headquarters received a very large donation of sixty seven CPU’s, forty five monitors and fifteen printers and other assorted accessories from the Stapleton Rotary Club. We were very surprised when the truck used to deliver the donation turned out to be a semi! (slight exaggeration).
Currently AHAN is researching distribution methods to deliver refurbished computers to Bangladesh. Homma Kancho will be visiting Bangladesh in July to work personally on the details of this new distribution project.