On the island of Mindanao in the Philippines, resurgence in civilian violence has erupted as a war rages between rebel factions and drug lords and government forces struggle for control of the area. In the middle of this conflict is AHAN Mindanao Learning Center, located in Illigan City, Mindanao. In the middle of all of this conflict and violence, the AHAN Mindanao is doing something; they are mobilizing themselves and inspiring their community to help each other.
As reported by AHAN Mindao Office Staff Emalyn Pongase and Junry Villanueva, On December 4th, the third medical mission was executed by A.H.A.N Nippon-Kan Mindanao at Northeast II-B District Sardab Digkilaan, Iligan City Lanao Del Norte; another remote area of Mindanao. The children and the elderly received, some for the very first time, assistance with massage, circumcision, haircuts, bloodtyping, dental checkups, free medicines and food. AHAN Mindanao assisted with food service for the volunteers, elderly, kids and military personnel.
On this mission with the military were PAMET (Philippine Association of Medical Technologist) and JCI (Junior Chamber International) volunteers, local officials and A.H.A.N Mindanao Learning Center volunteers.
Video of the AHAN Mindanao Medical Project
AHAN Mindanao Sardab Medical Mission Lanao Del Norte Mindanao, Philippines 4th of December, 2016
This medical mission was first performed by US military troops from Okinawa, Guam and the US mainland in 2007. This year, Aikido Nippon Kan AHAN Mindanao helped to organize a citizen movement to recreate these medical missions for remote areas of Mindanao.
In a time, surrounded by conflict and strife, AHAN Mindanao chose to do something to help citizens of Mindanao Island, reaching beyond any religious or ethnic or criminal conflict, igniting a spark of light and hope for their people.
For more on the original US 2007 mission please click here