May 16-21, 2007
After IISA Instructor Ikam Yoon Sensei’s seminar in Denver came to an end, Yoon Sensei, his wife Miae, Homma Kancho and Nippon Kan assisting staff left for Mexico City, Mexico. The IISA tour was met by host Fernando Roman Sensei, Chief Instructor of Mexico Aikido, Take Musu Aiki and AHAN Mexico and AHAN Central America Coordinator. ( ).
Classes held at Mexico Aikido Dojo in Mexico City were separated by rank to accommodate the number of students. Yoon Sensei and Homma Kancho took turns teaching classes to approximately 150 students over two full days.
The IISA tour left Mexico City behind and headed for the city of Cuautla, about two hours outside of Mexico’s capitol city. While there, Alberto Manzano Sensei and his wife Rebecca of Aikido Cuautla hosted a seminar. It was a festive event with classes taught by Yoon Sensei, Miae Sensei, Fernando Sensei, Alberto Sensei and Rebecca Sensei. Aikido Cuautla dojo is a favorite gathering place for the local community and this visit had a family feel to it. Last year on the AHAN IISA 2006 Instructor Training Tour, Homma Kancho and Ali Uludag Sensei of Istanbul, Turkey visited Cuautla as well.
Between seminars there was a little time for fun, so the IISA tour group climbed the Tepoztlan-Tlayacapan pyramid near Cuautla City in one breathless afternoon.
Written by
Fernando Roman Sensei
AHAN Mexico & Central America Coordinator