November 7th-10th, 2012
After concluding the Nepal Army Ranger intensive training in Nepal, Homma Kancho and Koichi Ninomiya Sensei traveled to Thailand to visit the Bilay House Orphanage, built in Ta Ko Lang, Thailand by Homma Kancho and AHAN for Karen tribe refugee children in 2011.
They brought with them five laptop computers for the students and one for Pastor Bilay. While Koichi spent time teaching the older junior high school students how to use the donated computers, Homma Kancho played jump rope, badminton, ping pong and Lego with the elementary school kids. “Better to let Koichi Sensei teach how to use their new computers”, said Homma Sensei as he turned his attention to playing with the younger children.
The computers Homma Kancho brought to Bilay House were donated by the Rotary Club Westminster, Colorado as part of their “Computers for Kids” campaign. This effort was organized by Rotary Club members, Mr. Mark Wilson, Mr. Garth Godwin and Nippon Kan Senior staff member Hien Nguyen who donated a new computer for Pastor Bilay. In addition, internet connection was brought to Bilay House, connecting Bilay House to the world.
Many thanks from all of the children of Bilay House for this wonderful gift!
Koichi Ninomiya Sensei is not only an Instructor of Karate, he also has a Bachelor’s degree in music from Colorado University. Using his musical training and experience, Koichi Sensei helped record the children singing hymns. According to Koichi Sensei, the natural quality in the children’s singing is called “pure music” and he worked to capture the innocence in the children’s voices.
Watch here to hear the children of Bilay House sing.
Bilay House is always growing and the construction of two new guest houses was recently completed. All of the construction was done by hand by Pastor Bilay and the older children. The new guest houses will be used for visitors from foreign countries who have begun to come to Bilay House.
Written by
Sunai -Architect
Karen Tribe
Bangkok, Thailand