June 23rd, 2013
Every spring, Nippon Kan and Enshin Karate hold a tournament…a bowling tournament that is, and this year marked the 19th year that this tournament has been held. Homma Kancho and Joko Ninomiya Kancho presiding, all of the bowlers from both dojos were enthusiastic about this year’s tournament. Of the past 18 tournaments, Nippon Kan has won 11 and lost 7 and we were looking to win back the winner’s trophy.
Unfortunately Nippon Kan lost to Enshin again for the second year in a row! Nippon Kan had more bowlers, but Enshin’s team was definitely younger and more powerful!
A good time was had by all, and Homma Kancho and Ninomiya Kancho both impressed upon all of us the value of friendly communication between two different martial arts.
Reported by
Madalyn Shalkey
Tournament Coordinator
AHAN Nippon Kan Office Senior Staff