March 10th -13th, 2015
The airport closure in Nepal after the practice with the Nepal Army Rangers impacted the travel schedule dramatically. Unfortunately our time in Thailand was cut completely but luckily we were able to make it to Japan on schedule.
We were able to practice at Dento Ryu Iwama Headquarters with Hitohira Saito Jukucho and at Aikido Kobayashi Dojo with Founder Yasuo Kobayashi Head Shihan. At Kobayashi dojo, Kobayashi Shihan taught a very energetic class for beginning students and even at over 70 he practiced a little ukemi!
The practice at Iwama Dento Ryu with Hitohira Saito Jukucho was very strict and serious but Dento Ryu Aikido is the root and foundation of all Aikido practice and serious practice is key to Iwama Dento Ryu teachings.
Both Kobayashi Shihan and Saito Jukucho invited our group to dinner after practice which was a very valuable experience for all of us. Thank you very much for such a great honor and wonderful hospitality.
Report by
Aikido Nippon Kan General Headquarters Official Instructor
Rick Thompson