Spring-Summer 2013
Ms. Ava Yancha
From Illigan City, Mindanao Island Philippines, Ava Yancha is the AHAN Mindanao Coordinator. Ava attended the summer marathon this August on scholarship as her third term in the Nippon Kan Uchideshi Program. Ava holds the Nippon Kan rank of second degree black belt.
Mr. Arturo Alvarez
From La Paz, Bolivia, Arturo is a practicing lawyer and teaches Aikido in La Paz. While at Nippon Kan Headquarters, Arturo worked on the completion of the Musubi Do as well as attending all uchideshi classes and activities. This was Arturo’s second term as a Nippon Kan uchideshi. Arturo has traveled to Nepal with Homma Kancho as his assistant and holds the Nippon Kan rank of second degree black belt.
Ms. Hiromi Matsuoka
Hiromi is a student of Aikido Kobayashi Dojo in Japan and came to Nippon Kan General Headquarters this summer for her third term on scholarship with the recommendation of Yasuo Kobayashi Shihan. Her crisp and powerful technique inspired Nippon Kan students who enjoyed practicing with her through the summer. Hiromi holds the rank of Aikikai Aikido third degree black belt.
Mr. Hiroki Yagi
Hiroki began his practice at Nippon Kan General Headquarters as a general student while earning his degree at the University of Denver. Hiroki serves as translator for Homma Kancho and is a member of the AHAN Nippon Kan Japan Branch Staff. Currently Hiroki is working for a metals company out of Osaka, Japan and travels extensively through Asia.
Hiroki has traveled to Nepal, Myanmar and the Philippines with Homma Kancho as assistant and holds the Nippon Kan rank of first degree black belt.
Mr. Mariusz Ferenc
Mariusz originally is from Poland and has spent a great deal of time in Ireland. Mariusz joined the Nippon Kan uchideshi program for his third term this summer to participate in the August practice marathon.
After his first term as a Nippon Kan uchideshi, Mariusz went to Kathmandu, Nepal to teach Nippon Kan Aikido. These were the early years in the building of what has become a strong and growing program for Nippon Kan Aikido in Nepal. Mariusz also spent time in Illigan City Mindanao in the Philippines, teaching Aikido at the new AHAN Mindanao Learning Center with Ava Yancha Sensei. During his time in Illigan, Mariusz lived through local terrorist bombings and typhoons, making his stay in Illigan an intense learning experience. His efforts contributed greatly to the foundation of Aikido practice at the AHAN Mindanao Learning Center. Mariusz holds the Nippon Kan rank of second degree black belt.
Mr. Michele Zanrei
For Michele Zanrei from Parma, Italy, this year’s summer visit was his sixth term as a Nippon Kan Headquarter uchideshi. Taking time out of a very busy work schedule, Michele joined the uchideshi program again in August as leader for attending uchideshi. We are all looking forward to enjoying Michele’s delicious Italian pasta dishes again and hope to see him again next year! Michele has accompanied Homma Kancho to Nepal and holds the Nippon Kan rank of third degree black belt.
Mr. Nobuyuki Sakakibara
From Nagoya, Japan, Nobu is the elder brother of Masayoshi Sakakibara, an Enshin Karate branch manager from the Aichi region of Japan. Homma Kancho has known Masayoshi Sakakibara since his days long ago as an Enshin Karate uchideshi in Denver. Masayoshi suggested that Nobu stop by Nippon Kan Headquarters while visiting the United States this summer.
Nobu ended up joined the Nippon Kan uchideshi program as a novice student, having been a student of Karate but not Aikido. When he joined the program he was not in the best of health and had to wear a corset for a bad back. After a month of daily training at Nippon Kan Headquarters, Nobu’s physical health had improved greatly and he was practicing for hours daily without pain. After returning to the everyday stresses of life in Japan, we all hope that Nobu keeps up his physical training continues not to smoke!
Mr. Yuji Kosakowski
Yuji is not really an uchideshi at Nippon Kan, he is what we call a “han-deshi” or “half deshi”! Over the summer months, Yuji attended the uchideshi classes but unlike the other uchideshi he returned home each day instead of living at the dojo. Yuji studies psychology at the university and teaches the Nippon Kan Youth Program classes under Homma Kancho’s guidance. Yuji has traveled to Thailand and Myanmar with Homma Kancho as his assistant. He currently holds the Nippon Kan rank of first degree black belt.
Sr. Jose Alvarez Villanueva
Sr. Jose has been a special friend of AHAN Nippon Kan and Homma Kancho for many years. A successful restaurant owner in Mexico City, Sr. Jose came to join us at Nippon Kan Headquarters for Summer Marathon in August. Besides practicing Aikido, Sr. Jose has many talents including the art of salsa dancing! Sr. Jose holds the Nippon Kan rank of second degree black belt.
3 other students joined the Nippon Kan General Headquarters uchideshi program this summer but failed to complete their terms.