For Nippon Kan Headquarter Uchideshi (live-in students), every day begins with asa geiko (morning practice). Homma Kancho teaches this class for Nippon Kan live-in students each morning. Before these uchideshi students retire to bed each evening they will have practiced at least 6 hours that day.
Currently there are 6 uchideshi students practicing at Nippon Kan Headquarters in Denver. John from Canada left for his third term to assist in teaching Aikido in Nepal January 20tj. Kazumi from Japan left January 28th for Nepal and Mariusz from Poland, (currently in his second term at Nippon Kan) will also be going to Nepal in March. Training at Nippon Kan Headquarters is John, a 4th generation native from Colorado, Travis a 9th generation native from Colorado and Alberto from Mexico. Students from Italy and other parts of the US are scheduled to arrive later this spring and summer.
If you dream of travel to other countries to assist in teaching Aikido, the Nippon Kan Uchideshiprogram focuses on world wide opportunities. For more information on the Nippon Kan Uchideshi Program link here.
Written by Uchideshi Coordinator
Jim Haugen