Oct 18-23, 2007
Homma Kancho taught at an AHAN Fundraising seminar in Dublin, Ireland in mid-October, sponsored by Aikikai Ireland AOI (Simone Chierchini Sensei http://www.aikikai.ie/) to raise funds for a student operated second hand community store in Sligo where Simone Chierchini Sensei is based. The purpose of the second hand store is to support the community with low cost goods and also serve as a source of support for dojo operations there.
The seminar was held at the Dublin Technological University and the Donore Community Center with about eighty students in attendance. Homma Kancho was accompanied by Nippon Kan Headquarters instructors Carl Finney and Jason Lowrey.
On our last day in Dublin we were invited to the Lemongrass Restaurant owned and operated by a Dublin Aikidoka, Mr. Daniel Diago who immigrated himself to Ireland from Cuba over ten years ago. Mr. Diago has opened up 22 of his Lemongrass Restaurants and is doing well with his innovative cuisine. Said Mr. Diago: “I first left Cuba for Russia before I came to Ireland. When I first arrived in Ireland the people in Dublin were very kind and friendly. There was an atmosphere of kindness and neighborliness in Dublin that in great part contributed to my being able to succeed here.” I was very impressed with his attitude, especially considering all of the challenges he must have faced starting a new life in a country where the customs, language, weather and foods were so drastically different than his own. We were fortunate to meet such a fine person in Dublin.
Proceeds raised at the seminar were documented and announced by Simone Chierchini Sensei at the seminar closing. Simone Sensei promises to keep us all updated on the progress of this project. Link here to Homma Kancho’s visit to Ireland 2006 and a report from fellow instructor Jason Lowrey.
Written by
Nippon Kan Headquarters Instructor
Carl Finney