Jan-July 2007
Since its inception, Nippon Kan has opened its doors to Denver schoolchildren through its School Field Trip Program. This year, from January to July, over 2,000 students toured the Nippon Kan General Headquarters facility on this special cultural tour. These two-hour excursions into Japanese culture include a facility tour, hands-on origami (paper folding), shodo (brush calligraphy), Aikido demonstrations, a museum and garden tour, and a traditional Japanese lunch at Domo Restaurant. The cost for this tour is $10.00 per person, $6.00 of which is donated to AHAN to fund children support projects worldwide.
The popularity of this program with Denver schools makes for a demanding schedule for the volunteer staff. The tours are held from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. which means that staff members have to take time out of their busy day schedules to assist in this program.
Emily Busch
Nippon Kan Vice President
AHAN International Project Director
Jewelry Designer, Graduate Gemologist
John Cruise
Alumi Nippon Kan President
Nippon Kan Board Advisor
University Instructor, Professional Writer
James Salmen
Nippon Kan Kancho Task Team Staff Member
University Biology Laboratory Coordinator
To the many more adult and youth program members who have assisted with this program, thank you all for all of your help!
Written by
AHAN Assistant director
AHAN Nippon Kan Homeless Food Service Project Report
May 20th, 285 meals served
June 17th, 300 meals served
July 15th, 280 meals served
Total since January 1991: 46,923 meals served