Philippines, Mindanao Island; Annual Visit by Homma Kancho

February 14, 2010


Feb 14-24, 2010 Early this spring, Homma Sensei came to visit our island home of Mindanao, Philippines. He came to teach us in Illigan City, Malawi City and for the first time in Davao City. In Illigan City, Homma Kancho instructed our students at our Illigan AHAN Mindanao Aikido Nippon Kan dojo and also at the Mindanao Technical University (ITT). …

Sudan AHAN Nippon Kan Activity Report

February 12, 2010


February 12, 2010 There are about 800 soldiers from Nepal whose mission is to aid in United Nations Peace keeping efforts in Sudan. It is my responsibility to train my fellow Nepalese soldiers in many combat skills as well as Nippon Kan NSDT Aikido while in Sudan February 12th was ARMY DAY in Sudan and a team of my Nepalese …

Nippon Kan on Facebook.

January 15, 2010


January 15th, 2010 Nippon Kan is now on Face book! Check it out! Aikido Nippon Kan

The New Year begins with Keiko Hajime; a Nippon Kan Tradition

January 4, 2010


Jan 4th, 2010 As is tradition, 2009 drew to close with keiko osame (last practice of the year) and the transition from the old year to the new was recognized with toshi koshi geiko (New Year Eve practice). The New Year was celebrated with keiko hajime (first practice of the year) held in the dojo decorated with red and white …

From the Editor

January 1, 2010


  There have been many projects and activities at Nippon Kan both at home and abroad already this year and it is hard to believe that it is May! While we work to complete these 2010 activity report updates for the website, the Nippon Kan garden is in bloom. Today the Nippon Kan garden is alive with the beauty of …

Nippon Kan School Fieldtrip Season Begins for 2010.

January 1, 2010


Jan-April 2010 The school fieldtrip program has been part of the Nippon Kan curriculum for over 35 years and started as a way to introduce Japanese culture to the Denver community. In the earliest days, Nippon Kan was called Japan House Culture Center and offered classes in Japanese language, shodo (brush calligraphy) kado (flower arranging), Japanese cooking classes and of …

AHAN Nippon Kan General Headquarter Homeless Meal Service Project

January 1, 2010


January-April 2010 This year, Nippon Kan will celebrate 20 years of service and 60,000 meals served at the Denver Rescue Mission. This is a very unique accomplishment for a martial arts dojo; I don’t believe that has been done anywhere before. Every 3rd Sunday of the month, Homma Kancho and a staff of student volunteers work from 7:00 am to …

From the Editor

December 31, 2009


After he finished writing his new article “From the Homeless Shelter”, Homma Kancho sighed and said “Aikido is truly nothing, (nani mo nai or no-thing) ”… Homma Kanchos travels all over the world, especially to under-developed and dangerous areas. No matter where, if he is asked to come to practice Aikido, he goes. I have noticed that the more he …

From Nepal Nepal Army Ranger Aikido Report

December 20, 2009


December 20th, 2009  Nepalese UN soldiers practice in Sudan. Sgt. Dan Gurung, one of the primary Nepal Army Ranger Aikido Instructors has been transferred with his team of 850 United Nation Peace Keepers from Nepal to Sudan to participate in UNAMID African Union/United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur. While serving as a peace keeper in Sudan, Sgt. Gurung has begun …

Youth Class Keiko Osame

December 19, 2009


December 19th, 2009 Just before Christmas, Keiko Osame (End-of Year Closing Class) was held for Nippon Kan Youth Program members. Parents, family and friends were invited to attend this special class to watch practice, demonstrations and promotion announcements. Homma Kancho joined the festivities and spoke to youth program members and their families. “The purpose of practicing aikido is not about …

Homma Kancho Visits Japan

December 12, 2009


Dec 12-17th, 2009 After concluding his teaching with the Nepal Army Rangers in Nepal, Homma Kancho stopped by Japan on his way back to the United States. He made this trip to Japan to pay his end-of-year respects to high ranking instructors and to join the Matsukawa Kyougaku Taiko Drummers for a victory celebration in Matsukawa after their return from …

Nepal, Army Ranger 2nd Seminar of 2009

December 2, 2009


December 2nd -12th, 2009  Homma Kancho visited the Nepal Army Rangers this past December in Kathmandu, Nepal for the second time this year. 600 soldiers from each Nepal Army Ranger Company; Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Echo participated in this extended training event. An outside three-hour practice was held each morning for enlisted rangers utilizing Nippon Kan NSDT (Nippon Kan …

From Korea AHAN Korea Charity Benefit Concert

November 21, 2009


November 21, 2009 Korean Aikido Pioneer and Korean Aikido Federation Founder and President, I-kam Yoon Sensei and his students sponsored and produced a charity concert in November for underprivileged families in Seoul. This project enlisted not only Aikidoka under Yoon Sensei’s direction but many talented artists and volunteers from the general public. Yoon Sensei understands well the philosophy of AHAN …

HTC Women’s Campus in Elein

November 5, 2009


Nov 5th, 2009 On the following day, the drummers visited the city of Al Ain for a concert to be performed on the HTC Women’s University campus. This campus has smaller accommodations, so two performances were scheduled to accomodate the over 600 women in attendance. The Woman’s University in Al Ain does not have a gymnasium. In accordance with Islamic …

HCT Men’s Campus in Dubai

November 4, 2009


November 4th, 2009 The next day, we made our way for about a two hour drive from Abu Dhabi to the city of Dubai, where the Kyougaku Taiko Drummers were scheduled to perform at the HCT Men’s University Campus auditorium. The drummers played an hour long concert on the beautiful men’s campus which was also attended by Minister Setsuo Ohmori …