Ms. Nilar Than is officially licensed by the Myanmar government as a Japanese interpreter and national guide. Nilar, who free lances with many official Japanese tour guide services, is a popular guide in Myanmar. Her licensing examinations were rigorous, granting her certification as a high-level professional in Myamnar’s tourist and business industries. Nilar is an expert on Myanmar history, geography, …
AHAN Nippon Kan General Headquarter Homeless Meal Service Project
Sept-Dec 2009 At the October monthly homeless dinner at the Denver Rescue Mission, we noticed a surprisingly sharp rise in the number of homeless guests to be served. For the last 19 years, we have served two meals at our monthly dinner service; one dinner at 5:00 pm. for residents of the mission, and an 8:00 pm. meal service for …
Uchideshi News
Ava Yancha, coordinator of AHAN Nippon Kan Mindanao arrived this summer for her second three-month term as an uchideshi student at Nippon Kan. Her visit was made possible this time by local prominent sponsors in Illigan City. The purpose of this current 3-month term is to continue her instructor training and understanding of Nippon Kan Aikido, humanitarian project organization and …
From Our Readers
We receive many emails and letter from people all over the world responding to Homma Kancho’s articles and our AHAN activities. About two years ago, Homma Kancho wrote an article entitled “No Suwariwaza (kneeling techniques) at Nippon Kan. Link here to read the article Coincidentally, we received two responses to this article this past August in agreement with Homma Kancho’s …
United Arab Emirates
Aug 12-17, 2009 My name is Mariusz Ferenc and I currently live in Ireland. I met Homma Kancho and Cihan Karaogluol in the Abu Dhabi airport on August 12th, 2009 after Homma Kancho had finished his seminar tour in Egypt. I met Homma Kancho in Abu Dhabi to serve as his assistant in events scheduled there. This coming November, Homma …
Arabic Republic of Egypt Alexandria and Cairo Seminar
Aug 6th-11th, 2009 My name is Cihan Karaogluol and I live in Izmir, Turkey. I met Homma Kancho at the Cairo, Egypt airport on August 6th, 2009 to serve as his assistant for this seminar tour to Alexandria and Cairo. Homma Kancho has been to the historical city of Alexandria and the capital city of Cairo before, having traveled to …
AHAN Nippon Kan Nepal Activity Report
July 30th, 2009 Under local Nippon Kan Instructor Rajesh Bista, over 500 Nepal Army Rangers practice Aikido as a compulsory part of their military training. These Ranger soldiers fall under the command of Capt. Anees Dhoj Khadka who is enthusiastic about the psychological as well as the physical development that Aikido is brining to the men in his charge. Sgt. …
Nippon Kan Seminar
July 29th to August 4th, 2009 Aikido Kobayashi Dojo in Tokyo, Japan ( sent Instructor Shunichiro Koyanagi Sensei from their Instructor Division to teach a three-day seminar at Nippon Kan Headquarters in Denver. This opportunity was arranged by Yasuo Kobayashi Shihan and his son Hiroaki Kobayashi Sensei. About 100 students were in attendance over the three day event that was …
Annual Spring Volunteer Project
June 6th, 2009 This year too, in conjunction with the Denver Parks and Recreation Department, Nippon Kan held its spring volunteer project for the 18th consecutive year. This year the project was held on the Platte River Trail and was attended by over 80 Nippon Kan members, families and friends. The “Nippon Kan Army” as we are called by the …
AHAN Nippon Kan Mindanao Activity Report
June 1st, 2009 From the Philippines, AHAN Mindanao Coordinator, Ava Yancha sent a report to Nippon Kan Headquarters this past June that focused on the many activities that AVA and AHAN Mindanao have been involved with in the past few months. Ava lives in Illigan City, Mindanao and with the help and support of local Illigan City Mayor, Mr. Lawrence …
Homma Kancho Visits Izmir, Turkey
June 1st-8th, 2009 Every year for the past few years I have come to visit Izim, Turkey on the Aegean Sea. Izmir has beautiful oceans and beautiful skies and is one of my favorite places on earth. Nippon Kan graduate uchideshi Cihan Karaogluol is from Izmir and I came to Izmir on this trip to attend his wedding. The wedding …
AHAN Nippon Kan Bangladesh Activity Report
May-Aug 2009 My name is Maji Sarkar, and I am the coordinator for AHAN Bangladesh. Every month it is my job to purchase and supervise the delivery of 500 kilos of rice each to two different orphanages in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. For the past three years, AHAN has supported both the Dharmarajika Orphanage for boys and the …
AHAN Nippon Kan Myanmar Activity Report
May-Aug 2009 AHAN began its support of the Yadanapon Yeiknyein Orphanage founded by U Margainda in March of this year with monthly donations of rice. My name is Nilar and I am the new AHAN Myanmar coordinator. It is my job to make sure the rice is delivered every month to the orphanage. This past August, former AHAN Nippon Kan …
Homma Kancho Visits Japan
April 27-May 2nd, 2009 I went for a quick trip to Japan this past April to attend the annual AHAN Nippon Kan Japan Branch Association meeting scheduled in Tokyo. While in Japan, I traveled to Iwama to visit Dento Iwama Ryu no Hitohiro Saito Jukucho to pay my respects at the memorial commemoration for his father, the late Morihiro Saito …
Enshin Karate Sabaki Fighters Stay at Nippon Kan
April 16th -19th , 2009 This time one female fighter joined the ranks of the entourage from Japan and won her division. Of the two male fighters, one came in second place in his division. All of the fighters and coaches love staying at Nippon Kan where the accommodations and food is always great. As is tradition, the Japanese fighters …