July 2nd -9th, 2008 Alexandria Seminar Four hours by car north of Egypt’s capital city of Cairo is Alexandria; the second-largest Mediterranean city n Egypt. Alexandria is famous as the home of Cleopatra and the history of this city goes back to 334 BC. My name is Gawad Adham, and I am the instructor of Alexandria Aikido here in Alexandria. …
Homma Kancho visits Laos (Lao PDR- the Peoples Democratic Republic)
June 2-6th 2008 Homma Kancho stopped by Laos for a short visit on a fact-finding mission for AHAN and to discuss future plans for teaching Aikido to the Laotian Military. He began his visit in the capital city of Vientiane where he met with Senior JICA Instructor Kudo Sensei who teaches Aikido to local civilian in Vientiene. The purpose of …
Bangladesh Orphanage Monthly Rice Support Project Report
Nippon Kan and AHAN Headquarters in Denver have worked for the last year to supply monthly deliveries of one ton of rice per month to be distributed to the Dharmarajika Orphanage for Boys and the Madrasa Orphange for Girls in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Every month the rice is purchased and the deliveries coordinated by AHAN Bangladesh Coordinator Maji Sarkar who sends …
Nepal Army Ranger Special Training Seminar
May 26th-June 2nd, 2008 Homma Kancho and staff conducted a special training seminar for the Nepalese Army Rangers in Kathmandu, Nepal. The seminar was held at the Nepalese Army Rangers training base under battalion commander Anupiung Thapa. The Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Echo battalions all participated in this seminar with approximately 400 Army Ranger soldiers in attendance. Under a …
Colombian Keiko Gi’s for Kid’s Coffee Campaign
May 25th, 2008 This April Homma Kancho visited the Nippon Budokan in Cali, Columbia and as a new support project selected Santa Elena’s slum district’s “Dignity and Life Foundation” for AHAN support. Homma Kancho contributed foods, and daily supplies to the “Dignity and Life Foundation” while in Cali and pledged to send 40 keiko gis for the children in the …
AHAN Nippon Kan Mindanao Activity Report
Lots of young people, every body happy! AHAN Nippon Kan Mindanao, Philippines Coordinator, Instructor Ava Yancha has been very active in the promotion of Aikido in Mindanao. Instructor Ava just recently opened a new dojo in Illigan City where she resides. She has also been very active teaching Aikido at the Mindanao State University (MSU ITT) and at Saint Peters …
AHAN Nippon Kan Central America Activity Report
AHAN Guatemala Founding Seminar May 23-25th, 2008 AHAN Nippon Kan Central America and AHAN Mexico Coordinator Fernando Roman Sensei, Chief Instructor of Mexico Aikido Takemusu Aiki www.mexicoaikido.com.mx traveled to Guatemala City this past May to award formal acceptance of Escuela Central de Aikido de Guatemala into AHAN as an official AHAN affiliate. This acceptance comes also with the recommendation of …
Homma Kancho visits Bangladesh
May 20th -27th, 2008 Activity 1 Investigating the Environmental Impact of Global Warming Six hours by night train northwest of the capital city of Dhaka, Bangladesh is the city of Rajshahi on the banks of the Badma river. I had heard about the impact of changing climate conditions on the lives of the people of Rajshahi and traveled to Rajshahi …
Consul General of Japan at Denver Attends 50,000 Meal Service Ceremonies.
May 18th, 2008 Since January 1991, Nippon Kan has served monthly meals to the homeless at the Denver Rescue Mission. This May, an important milestone was reached with the service of the 50,000th meals in 18 consecutive years. On May 18th, a ceremony was held at the Denver Rescue Mission attended by Consul General of Japan, Kazuyoshi Kubo, Japanese Consul …
AHAN Nippon Kan Homeless Food Service
AHAN Nippon Kan Homeless Food Service Project Report August 17th 298 dinners served September 21st 300 dinners served October 19th 350 dinners served November 16th 340 dinners served December 21st 269 dinners served Total since 1991 52,332 dinners served The December homeless meal service concludes Nippon Kan’s meal service for 2008. This year we passed a milestone by serving …
What’s New with Homma Kancho?
Homma Kancho travels all over the world but when he is in Denver he spends time counseling Nippon Kan Headquarter senior instructors and staff. “I won’t be around forever,” he warns good naturedly. “The time I have spent traveling the last few years is actually good training for the Nippon Kan staff. If something were to happen to me without …
Sempai Uchideshi News Update
After spending the last five months in Nepal as a Nippon Kan Instructor Abroad, two term-graduate uchideshi, Mariusz Ferenc is on his way to Illigan City, Mindanao, Philippines. Mariusz was very successful in assisting the Nepal Aikido Association in building a solid foundation for their organization in Kathmandu, and is very highly thought of by NAC administrators and students alike. …
Introducing this Semester’s Nippon Kan Uchideshi
Letters To Nippon Kan
Nippon Kan General Headquarters receives many visitors who come to join us for practice at the Nippon Kan Dojo. Below are letters from students and visitors about their experiences at Nippon Kan. These letters reflect the attitude, manners and philosophy of Nippon Kan students. Included is a letter from a dojo in Topeka, Kansas with projects of their own, inspired …
Ito Dojo Kendo Tournament
May 10th, 2008 It is unique to see a traditional authentic Japanese Kendo Tournament in Denver, Colorado. For this local tournament hosted by Ito Dojo, 5 high-ranking Kendoka traveled from Japan to serve as instructors, officials and judges. The tournament was well orchestrated and the Kendoka competing in the tournament were powerful and very skillful. I was very impressed with …