Feb 26th -March 2nd, 2010
Even though it was a national holiday in Morocco with the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet Mohammed, over 860 students traveled from all parts of Morocco to attend a special two-day seminar instructed by Nippon Kan Kancho, Gaku Homma at the Complexe Spirtif Mohamed V Stadium in Casa Blanca.
This seminar was hosted by National d’Aikido under the leadership of Alaoui M’Barek Sensei. National d’Aikido has over 1500 registered dojos in seven regions of Morocco and over 4,000 students. It is the largest Aikido organization in Morocco and has a long history in Morocco of over 50 years. Currently, the National d’Aikido operates independently from the Aikikai International Aikido Federation and Aikikai Headquarters.
It is difficult to fit all 860 students into the photo!
After practice during the seminar, we spoke at length with Homma Sensei about some of the complications and difficulties our Moroccan organization had been having communicating with Aikikai Headquarters and our hopes for the future. As an independent instructor, Homma Sensei listened carefully and offered his advice on our situation.
“In the world today, our Aikido practice is organized by many different Aikido organizations. Aikikai, the organization created by the Founder Morihei Ueshiba, is still the largest organization in the world; but it is not the only organization.
In Morocco, your organization has a long history; an organization that has long supported Aikikai. Now, because of money and politics; organizational problems have risen that are confusing and disappointing many of your students. These conflicts do not reconcile with the true spirit and philosophy of Aikido.
I suggest that you try to re-establish direct communication with Aikikai Headquarters and try to clear up any misunderstandings or confusion that is affecting your relationship. There are many good Shihan at Aikikai Headquarters that should be able to help you re-establish a good relationship.
Only if there is a complete breakdown in communication and a failure to reach an understanding after you have sincerely tried to calmly and openly approach Aikikai Hombu directly, might you think about a possible new direction for your future”.
We respect Homma Sensei’s observations because he is a neutral, objective observer with considerable world experience. He is a teacher with many gifts that remain beyond politics or political aspirations.
Facilitating communication through Aikido, Homma Sensei was accompanied on this trip to Casa Blanca by Turkey Aikikai Instructor Ali Uludag Sensei of Istanbul, Turkey and his assistant Cihan Karagluol (former Nippon Kan graduate uchideshi) of Izmir, Turkey.
We look forward to seeing Homma Sensei again soon!
Link here to a short video on practice in Morocco.
Written by
Sidi Med Islah
Prsident du Comite National d Aikdo