October 27th-29th, 2006
On October 27th, Homma Kancho was already in Turkey with the Kyougaku Taiko Drummers so he was unable to attend this seminar. Nippon Kan General Headquarters Instructor Michael Barrera and Mexico Aikido Take Musu Aiki (www.mexicoaikido.com.mx ) Chief Instructor Fernando Roman Sensei traveled to Reno, Nevada to represent Nippon Kan and AHAN for this visit to the United States by Hitohiro Saito Jukucho. This trip was sponsored by AHAN as part of IISA (Instructors in Support of AHAN) training for AHAN instructors. Important to AHAN IISA philosophy is the belief in the importance for young instructors to experience many kinds of training; beyond any boundaries of style or affiliation. To this end, AHAN sponsored all costs associated with this trip.