June 20th-July 5th, 2005
Under Homma Kancho’s guidance, a two week concentrated intensive series of practices were held June 20th-July 5th. This intensive two week challenge was held at the Nippon Kan dojo. Homma Kancho is aware that students have many responsibilities outside of the dojo with their families and careers, so this intensive was held during regular evening class times. Homma Kancho is also aware of delicate student finances, and there was no extra charge for these intensive weeks of training.
Of this soran, Homma Kancho said “ It is somewhat of a fad these days to hold expensive camps in resorts or even on cruise ships, but Nippon Kan’s philosophy is more down to earth. Everything we look for in our training; our personal challenges, questions and answers can be found on the mat at our dojo. The answers to our training are here, right under our feet. The dojo is sometimes hot, sometimes cold, there are always particular challenges right here, right now. It is not necessary to seek truth in training by traveling to the oceans or high mountains”.