Services were held Saturday, October 15th for Sata Saito, the wife of the Late Morihiro Saito Shihan who passed away this week at the age of 89 in Iwama, Japan. Mrs. Sata Saito along with her husband, Morhirio Saito Shihan were long time care takers to the Founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba.
Soon after Sata’s marriage to Morihiro Saito Shihan, the Founder Ueshiba granted special permission for them to build a house next door to the Founder’s living space and Iwama dojo. From that time until his death, the Saito family dedicated their lives to caring for the Founder.
Morihiro Saito Shihan told Homma Kancho on a visit to Nippon Kan in Denver before his passing in 2002; “I am a student of the Founder Morihei Ueshiba so it makes sense that I have dedicated my life to the Founder. My wife is not a student, but even more than me she took care of the Founder and his wife Hatsu”.
Sata Saito took care of countless students and uchideshi to the Founder over the years, dedicating her life to this kind of service. Among the many guests at the services held for Mrs. Sata Saito were many surviving students, including in attendance, Nippon Kan Founder, Gaku Homma Kancho. Homma Kancho knew Mrs. Sata Saito well during the years he served as the last live-in uchideshi to the Founder Ueshiba in Iwama before his death in 1969.
As well as caring for the Founder Ueshiba, Mrs. Saito took very good care of Homma Kancho as a young man, offering support and comfort to him during the years he served the Founder at Iwama dojo and the Aiki Shrine.
Condolences to Hitohira Saito Jukucho and his family.