On a snowy day, a rainy day or an extremely hot day…,
Or, on a day we feel exhausted and hopeless, devastated by a natural disaster…,
Or, on a day when bullets fly over our heads…,
Or, on a normal day after having done a day’s work…, We All Get Hungry.
Hearty meals give us hope and a sense of refuge when surrounded by harsh challenges of the reality that we must face from time to time in our lives…,
Hearty meals give us the energy to get up & deal with the challenges with resolve & courage…
Hearty meals can also give us a sense of compassion and a drive to help others to make our world a better place tomorrow as well as a sense of pride that we are all a part of the same world.
While we helped fill the hungry stomach of hundreds of people in need of meals today on this blustery cold, snowy day, we felt sated and grateful for our own “now at this very moment” by serving the community we are part of.
Thank you! again to all the Nippon Kan members and their families who helped with the first “Meal Service” of the Year on a blustery cold snowy day.
AHAN Nippon Kan
Kancho – Gaku Homma