December 19th, 2009
Just before Christmas, Keiko Osame (End-of Year Closing Class) was held for Nippon Kan Youth Program members. Parents, family and friends were invited to attend this special class to watch practice, demonstrations and promotion announcements. Homma Kancho joined the festivities and spoke to youth program members and their families. “The purpose of practicing aikido is not about finding an opening or weakness in your partner and learning how to use a kick or a punch to defeat them. Aikido is about learning to be a partner, learning how to respond to and work together with a partner to create a well executed technique together. Aikido focuses our training on physical communication and learning the effects and consequences of movement.”
Mr. Noel Camp and his adult assistants coordinate a vibrant and challenging program for our younger members, one that even his own kids attend! The day was filled with excitement as advanced youth program members and adult instructors gave demonstrations for family and friends and all attending youth program members received a certificate of achievement.
It has always been Homma Kancho’s philosophy not to hold examinations or testing for any Nippon Kan member; adult or youth. Promotions and advancement at Nippon Kan is based on attendance and personal instructor evaluation. Membership dues for youth program members remain $25.00 per month, and there are no fees for promotion.
Having a very affordable fee structure and no fee-based system for promotions is one of Homma Kancho’s strongest convictions. Even though the dojo accounting staff throws up their hands at time, this conviction remains a firm part of Nippon Kan’s foundation.
Written by
Emily Busch
Nippon Kan Vice President