Escuela Aikido Cuautla Dojo Officially Joins AHAN

April 1, 2008


April 1st, 2008 Currently AHAN Mexico and AHAN Central America Coordinators Fernando Roman Sensei and Rocio Aguero Sensei of Mexico Aikido Takemusu Aiki ( have been outstanding in their efforts to promote the practice of Aikido and AHAN throughout Mexico and Central America. At Fernando Sensei and Rocio Sensei’s recommendation, the Escuela Aikido Cuautla Dojo in Cuautla Morelos, Mexico has …

Uchideshi “24-7”

March 29, 2008


There is no rest for Nippon Kan uchideshi; even the uchideshi patches say 24-7 to remind students in the uchideshi program of the challenge and commitment they have made to their training. Every day there are 5 hours of practice, chores, responsibilities and special projects to attend to. All in all every day life is pretty busy for Nippon Kan …

Nippon Kan Sends Two Former Uchideshi to Nepal

March 29, 2008


Part of the experience for uchideshi (live-in students) that graduate from the uchideshi program at Nippon Kan Headquarters in Denver is to participate in over-seas internships. Senior students that are regular members of Nippon Kan are also able to participate in this program under special circumstances. This year, Nippon Kan sent two-term graduate uchideshi Mariusz Ferenc and senior student Kazumi …

Homma Kancho Teaches Aikido in Central Asia

March 24, 2008


Republic of Kyrgyzstan Teaching Aikido at Children’s Orphanage Care Center Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan March 24th -25th, 2008 Homma Kancho traveled to Kyrgyzstan to teach Aikido to both our children and adult students at our small dojo in Bishkek, the capitol city of Kyrgyzstan. Accompanying Homma Kancho was a television news producer Necef Hasanov from Baku, Azerbaijan and Aikikai Aikido urkey President …


March 21, 2008


Aikido for Life Published in Turkey; A Celebration Bursa Street Kid Foundation Assistance Seminar March 21st-24th, 2008 Homma Kancho’s book, Aikido for Life first published in the United States was translated and published in Turkey this year. This was cause for celebration by all AHAN Istanbul staff involved in this great effort and accomplishment. All proceeds from sales of the …

Bio Diesel Eco Car Campaign Comes to Denver

March 20, 2008


March 20th, 2008 The “Bio Diesel Eco Car Adventure” made a stop at Nippon Kan on its cross country tour of the United States to promote alternative fuel source efficiency and cross cultural communication. The Eco Car team lead by Shusei Yamada were treated to dinner sponsored by Domo Restaurant and a tour of the Nippon Kan facility before heading …

Nepal Aikido Spring Seminar

March 14, 2008


March 14th-19th, 2008 It has only been three years since Aikido was first introduced by Homma Kancho in Nepal in 2005, and practice has grown greatly in that time. At this seminar held at the Nepal Budokan (Nepal Multiple Martial arts Hall) the Nepal Minister of Education and Culture, The Nepal Olympic Secretary General, Mr. Jeevan Shrestha and other dignitaries …

Nippon Kan Spring Party for 180

March 13, 2008


April 13th, 2008 A spring party was held at the Nippon Kan Gardens for Nippon Kan Hakama members (members of rank 3rd kyu and above), their families and friends on April 13th, 2008. Nippon Kan operations and activities are supported in great part by Nippon Kan student volunteers and the support of their families and friends. This party was held …

Homma Kancho Returns to East Timor

February 5, 2008


February 5th-11th, 2008 After leaving the Philippines, Homma Kancho flew to East Timor for his second visit in the past year. Homma Kancho’s first visit was last November, 2007. The purpose of this visit was to teach and practice Aikido, but also for Homma Kancho to compete his research into the Bujustu Fighting Gangs and martial art wars in East …

Homma Kancho Returns to Malawi City, Mindanao Island Philippines.

February 2, 2008


February 2nd-3rd, 2008 After teaching at MSU IIT and the Illigan National City High School, we left to visit Malawi City. I first visited Malawi City in February 2007 and was looking forward to this return visit. During WWII, Malawi City was occupied by the Japanese military and support personnel who at the time made Malawi a peaceful and prosperous …

Homma Kancho Second Visit to Mindanao Island, Philippines

January 30, 2008


January 30th-February 4th, 2008 Mindanao State University (MSU IIT) Officially Adds Aikido to its Curriculum. January 31st, 2008 MSU IIT has been the State University in Illigan City, Mindanao Island, Philippines since 1938 and has a student population of about 5000. This semester, Aikido was officially added to the curriculum due in large part to the efforts of Instructor Ava …

Monjin Chou Ranking System Begins at Nippon Kan

January 4, 2008


Jan 4th, 2008 In January of 2008, All Nippon Kan members at Nippon Kan General Headquarter were issued new Monjin Chou Student Identification and promotion handbooks. These passport size booklets are 28 pages in length and include all student records including ranking examination results, promotions, seminar attendance and volunteer project attendance which is so much apart of Nippon Kan membership. …