AHAN NIPPON KAN has been not only supporting children in different regions in Asia but also supporting & encouraging young women for their progress in society. Monthly membership dues from AHAN Nippon Kan Aikido Children’s Classes (aka Youth Program) are used to fund various humanitarian support activities, such as the provisions of free meals, educational materials and medical supplies, for …
Where should Children be Guided To?
Photos from a field trip. Aikido Nippon Kan had visited almost all the elementary and middle schools in the Greater Denver area about 40 years ago to do Aikido demonstrations and to offer school children an educational opportunity about Japanese cultures and a Budo of Aikido from Japan, when even the word “Aikido” was not commonly recognized. On a busy …
The First Meal Service in 2018
On a snowy day, a rainy day or an extremely hot day…, Or, on a day we feel exhausted and hopeless, devastated by a natural disaster…, Or, on a day when bullets fly over our heads…, Or, on a normal day after having done a day’s work…, We All Get Hungry. Hearty meals give us hope and a sense of …
Still Forging Ahead at over 60!
The “MOO Club” at Nippon Kan Dojo is comprised of Aikido Nippon Kan Dojo members who are at or over the age of 60, and the average age of the club members is currently 67! Mr. Gaku Homma, Founder & Kancho of Nippon Kan, in front of the drawing of 騎牛帰家 (Kigyukika) in the lobby of Nippon Kan The MOO …
Keeping it in the Sheath
A reproduction of how the two Japanese swords were kept in the “tokonoma = 床の間 (alcove)” in the room. Iwama is the place where late Morihei Ueshiba, the Founder of Aikido, had spent his late years. His house had been built next to the Dojo which was right next to the Aiki Shrine on its property. And in the “tokonoma …
KEIKO HAJIME at Nippon Kan
https://www.facebook.com/nkdojo22/videos/1232551900223045/ KEIKO HAJIME,稽古始め i.e. the First KEIKO of the Year, was held at Aikido Nippon Kan. The DOJO was decorated in a traditional fashion, and the KEIKO HAJIME was led by Gaku Homma Kancho, the Founder of Nippon Kan, solemnly and warmly. https://www.facebook.com/nkdojo22/videos/1232555716889330/ The KEIKO HAJIME started with a recital of the Amatsu Norito 天津祝詞prayer dedicated to the Founder of …
Welcoming to the Year 2018! from Nepalese Army Rangers’ Nippon Kan Aikido Team
With their wishes for everyone’s good health and peaceful days in 2018, a team of Nepalese Army Rangers’ Nippon Kan Aikido Instructor Candidates completed the KEIKO OSAME (the last keiko of the year) while wishing for a good fortune for everyone in the New Year. https://www.facebook.com/nkdojo22/videos/1230879767056925/ Training for 30 female soldiers has begun at the Nepalese Army K9 Emily Dojo. …